Friday, June 15, 2012

Stained Glass

The poem below was written one morning in church as I looked at the stained glass windows in the sanctuary.  It occurred to me my life resembled the picture before me.  The words fell into my mind and onto my paper.

The poem is part of my first book, The Book of Pages About Crossing Bridges.  If you like it, you might like the book.  Today I post it for a friend so she, too, can see the whole picture through a writer's eyes.

Stained Glass
cast down, but not forsaken . . .  2 Cor. 4:9

Shards of glass

cast down carelessly
dreams shattered
paradigms shifted

colored by
time, circumstance
events undeserved
stained, changed

and then

carefully chosen
cautiously handled

placed in perfect order
welded together
by crimson
dried, strengthened
new creation

story unfolding
light singing through
impacting the darkness
by a filtered Son

with every broken, jagged edge
I will praise You.

To order a copy of 
A Book of Pages About Crossing Bridges or a Friend Named Jesus, 
please visit my website:  Writer's Pages

Facebook:  Author Kris A. Newman

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jesus for my writer friend's encouragement!
