I don't generally post poetry here, but I thought you might like another sneak peek into the next book. I'm waiting still for a couple of editors' thoughts, but I still plan to have something available for purchase by November 1, 2011. Still can't quite believe it. What a year it's been! Hope you like the bit below and hope it makes you wonder at what else is in store.
Thanks for sharing the journey with me!
When one’s world is
The weight of words
Is skewed
They shout
“I love you”
“where were you?”
“see you!”
And you wonder at
Your value to the
And your value
To the world
In the absence of sound
No one greets
There is only
Loud, astoundingly thick, heavy, suffocating
And then you realize the
Void of sound
Is greatly noticed.
You listen.
If you are listening
To the sound of silence
With an open heart
And a clear mind
You may hear in your heart and mind
The Shepherd’s voice.
He says
His sheep know His voice.
He calls them
by name.
Ears of faith
Tuned to past words
Spoken, read, remembered.
I answer again and again
“Here am I, Lord.”
Wrapping me in grace
He speaks.
Shrouding me with peace
He speaks.
Filling the quiet with abundance
He shouts!
1 Kings 19:12 Amplified Bible (AMP)
“12And after the earthquake a fire,
but the Lord was not in the fire;
and after the fire [a sound of gentle stillness and] a still, small voice.”
Now that the earthquake and fire
Have shaken and burned
All that was,
Teach me, Lord.
Help me hear.
Don’t let me despise
This season.